Microwave Products (5.7-110GHz)
Nowadays, LTE network, which provides up to 100Mbps data transmission rate, is widely deployed all over the world and it improves cell phone data throughput obviously. Till 2017, more than 500 LTE networks will be deployed worldwide. Furthermore, it’s reported that the next generation 5G, which can provide up to 10Gbps throughput, is to be coming on 2020.
Compared to 2G and 3G, the coverage range of 4G/5G BTS is much denser and it needs much higher data transmission capacity for each 4G/5G BTS, which challenges operator’s bearer network. New BTS deployment requires huge resources of fiber and microwave for backhaul. However, a lot of sites are lack of fiber and microwave transmission is a very import way for backhaul. But the spectrum resources of traditional microwave (6-42GHz),including C-band, X-band, Ku-band, K-band, Ka-band and U-band, which only supports up to 0.5Gbps, is very tight and cannot support 10Gbps capacity. Hexagon Microwave Products include:
E-band Products(71-86GHz)
Waveguide Diplexers(5.7-110GHz)
Waveguide Couplers(5.7-110GHz)
Multiband Combiners(5.7-110GHz)
Waveguide to Coaxial Adaptors(5.7-110GHz)
Hexagon Microwave Products are widely used in microwave relay systems and point-to-point communication systems etc.
E-band (71-86GHz), which provides ultra wide bandwidth, is increasingly concerned now. And it already comes into commercial in Europe, Middle East and some other places. As below graph, atmosphere attenuation in E-band is less than 0.5dB/km, which is almost negligible.
Because of high atmosphere attenuation, V-band (57-66GHz) works in short range of 200-300 meters. However, by the test data, E-band equipment can work stable within 2-3km. Furthermore, the beam width of E-band antenna is ultra narrow as 0.5° only means zero interference. E-band, called as virtual fiber, can provide Gbps level throughput. We may see streets to be full of E-band products in the near future.